Jewish chapel-to-graveside services can be dignified, earth-friendly — rich in tradition and family involvement
Fitting Tribute Funeral Services proudly displays its New York registration at Brooklyn’s largest Jewish funeral establishment which gives us access to Jewish chapels as well as more intimate candle-lit family visitation rooms. We are experts in Jewish funeral and mourning ritual, and regularly work with both male and female rabbis as well as sacred Chevra Kadisha societies offering ritual bathing/shrouding tahara ceremonies prior to chapel service and outdoor graveside gathering. We will help you find a rabbi if you aren’t currently in touch with one or haven’t been to shul in awhile. We will offer all manner of readings, both religious and secular. And we are particularly skilled in helping mixed-faith, blended-faith families throughout the New York City area as our director’s husband Steve was raised in Great Neck’s Temple Emanuel and together they ushered two Jewish sons to the Torah and adulthood.
As you know, cremation is not traditional to Jewish funeral service, and in truth, our firm feels there are many sound reasons to stay loyal to burial. Jewish burial is earth friendly, Jewish burial is dignified and humble. But as we witness Jewish families grapple with what mode of disposition works best for them, we notice that cremation can sometimes provide a price point, and flexibility families appreciate. We’re especially skilled in reviewing and explaining every option. These are hard choices and we’ll be there for you the whole way. We stock every conceivable Jewish casket, and provide new and different sorts of Moses basket vessels too, all rabbi-certified.
Here's a list of Jewish cemeteries in the New York City area. Wikipedia maintains a surprisingly good list of New York's non-denominational burial sites. Jewish burial is green burial. Here’s our all-faith green burial ground list.
“Blessed is the earth from which we grow,
blessed the life we are lent,
blessed the ones who teach us,
blessed the ones we teach,
blessed is the word that cannot say the glory
that shines through us and remains to shine
flowing past distant suns on the way to forever.
Let’s say amein.”
While the pine box is the classic, time-honored Jewish casket, willow caskets can come rabbi-certified. The adult children of Sandra Stern knew their artistic, stylish mother liked handmade things so they selected a hand-woven casket made by basket weaver Mary Lauren Fraser.
Jewish burials are highly participatory, and provide transformational opportunities for every person in attendance.
Small visitations are held here, in a quiet corner of the funeral home, prior to the burial graveside service. A special alcove to the left holds the open or closed casket.